Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Exploring new paths

A few weeks ago the Lord made it clear that it was time for me to step out of ministry in Focus (my church's young adult class), and simply take a break for a while. I'm one of those people that when I'm "in", I'm in all the way - so its hard for me to just jump from one ministry to another. So far I've found the time off to be quite refreshing - grabbing a coffee and relaxing before corporate worship allows me to observe what's really happening within our body. It also gives me time to reflect on where God would have me use the talents and abilities he gifted me with next. I have some ideas but am still uncertain where he'd have me move.

While most of the people around me see my decision as a good course of action, there are some that have kindly expressed concern that I'll remain unplugged indefinitely. One conversation today started my mind percolating, as the speaker commented about those that had become involved with the Emerging Church movement (yes, I count myself as one of those) tend to leave a ministry/the church and never put down roots with another body of believers.

I can confidently state that this will not be the case with me. And while The Matrix has been overused by my generation as a way to express themselves, a conversation between Neo and Trinity near the beginning may help clarify my stance.

Trinity: Please, Neo. You have to trust me.
Neo: Why?
Triniity: Because you have been down there, Neo. You know that road. You know exactly where it ends. And I know that's not where you want to be.

I know the road of disconnection. I walked it for five years. I know where it ends: misery, despair, hopelessness, loneliness. It holds the illusion of freedom but in reality is laced with chains and traps that bind. I'll never forget what it felt to walk that road - which is why I can be so confident when I say that it will not happen again.

Nothing can compare to the completeness I feel when connected with God's people. I love the imperfectness of it, as we all strive to learn what it means to live like Christ. I love that progress is expected - just like you expect from any child as they learn and develop.

Prayer is a powerful thing. So pray that I discover the path the Lord has before me - and that those who may have been led astray will return to the only path that leads to true joy.

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