Friday, December 24, 2010

Bagel Making - Cranberry Walnut

A few weeks back I got to hang out with my niece while her brother slept off an illness and her parents attending a Christmas party. One of our conversation trails happened to land on bagels, and she mentioned her favorite was Cranberry Walnut. When my sis and I were discussing Christmas foods - and my choice of bagel making - a few days later, she also mentioned it. Naturally I had to try my hand at this flavorful combo for our holiday celebration.

My trusty William-Sonoma cookbook has a great basic bagel recipe, so I made a few modifications to come up with this one.The process is essentially the same as the pumpkin spice, only I subbed in 1 cup ground walnuts and 1 cup cranberries for 1 cup flour. I've used dried fruits in past bagel making, but added the fruit during the last stage of the process (when you're adding 1/2 cup flour at a time). This go round I added the fruit and nuts during the sponge stage, and it made a significant difference. I saw a great consistency of dispersal in the dough - most notably during the kneading stage.

Rise 2, boil, bake, serve, enjoy!

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