Thursday, December 23, 2010

Book Review: Daemon

I'm coming to believe that some books are best enjoyed as audiobooks - Daemon definitely fits that bill for me. It's a first novel by Daniel Suarez that my friend/boss Jim kept telling me I needed to read/hear. I'm glad I finally remembered when my Audible credits came around last month!

Daemons are computer programs that run in the background. Suarez takes that idea and spins a story that involves big government, corporate America, the average 20-something game aficionado, and those that know absolutely nothing about computers and the tech behind them. Years are spanned but the story moves at quick, smooth pace. The characters are well developed and the scenes are so real I found myself holding my breath to hear how they would end. The use of computer noises and sterile computer voices only added to the reality I felt of the story.

What made it so compelling is the idea that it could be real, that this story could really happen. Both a fascinating and frightening thought. Suarez presents some notions for AI (artificial intelligence) that were new to me, and I'm still pondering the implications.

Not into tech? Don't worry - you don't have to be to enjoy this novel. Complex ideas are explained by the characters as the story unfolds, and these days most readers/listeners are fairly comfortable with Internet concepts. Great novels - check them out if you'd like a glimpse of what our future may hold.

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