Thursday, May 27, 2010

60 Years and Counting

My mom turns 60 today, and the fam celebrated with a party last Saturday. Rach and I brought peonies and roses from our gardens to decorate Mom's porch swing (the throne of honor for the evening), and Kim brought balloons. Which come to think of it Barak didn't try to grab at all night - and he loves those things! The gorgeous spring weather held enough to keep him and his cousins entertained for the evening.

After a lovely meal of steak, fresh garden salads, mac and cheese, and cake, we trooped back outdoors to chat on the porch and watch the kids play. Yup - that's all Mom wanted for her big day! Its hard to remember how we spent these little family occasions before there were kids - Ella, Roone, and Barak happily ran around the yard while the rest of us relaxed on the porch, just enjoying one another's company.

It wouldn't be a family gathering without family photos, so here's one of the Chambers clan (for some reason Dad's not in it, hmm. I need to figure out how he escaped and do that next time!). Its been nice to have Jonathan in town for the past year - he's lived all over the country and is headed out on another adventure within the next month.

Mom enjoyed her day and is busily making plans for her adventures this next year (Razorback football season is how many days away?). Congrats, Mom - may the next year be filled with even more love and laughter than this one!

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